Week 1- Adobe Software & Programs

This is the year that I start to learn about Multimedia. For the first week, Cindy (our facilitator) teaches us about researching skill; how to be a good researcher. So the topic that I chose for doing research was about Mount Everest. After I chose my topic, she taught us about Primary Sources and Secondary Sources. These are the example of the two sources:

Primary SourceDiary, Recording or any type of sources that happened during that event

Secondary SourceReview, Magazine (possible), any type of sources that are not experienced in the first-hand. 

On the second week, I created a poster that related to the topic I researched about. To warm everyone’s up, Cindy started the class by doing Adobe learning. For those students who are good at each Adobe Software, they were chosen to teach the classmate. I’m part of the teaching one of the Adobe software which is “InDesign”. The teaching went very well and everyone learned a lot from it. Not only teaching people, but I also learnt more about Photoshop and Illustrator. I’ve learnt so many things and tool from those software. After we finished all the lesson, teacher Cindy assigned us to do the poster that we should use 3 software and try our best to create this poster creatively from what we’ve learned (Indesign, Photoshop, and Lightroom). For the point, she will give us full score if we have completed 10 things: 

Criteria Points
Poster is 1-page long 1
Poster is exported correctly as a PDF print document 1
Poster includes English text 1
Poster includes correctly formatted Khmer text 1
Poster includes a shape (square, rectangle, circle, line, polygon, etc.) 1
Poster includes an image created in Photoshop 1
Poster includes an image edited in Lightroom 1
Poster is well-designed, clear and neat 1
Google Doc includes explanation (at least 5 things) for image created in Photoshop 1
Google Doc includes explanation (at least 5 changes) for image edited in Lightroom 1

For the lesson that I mentioned below, was very fun for me. I got a lot of tips for researching skill and it helps me to become a better researcher. I also learnt about the tips to analyze whether this source might be credible or not. It is very important to know because after we get the information, sometimes we have to share or spread it. If it isn’t credible, it might lead us into trouble or any types of problem that could happen due to untruth info. 

For the last week of round 1, I’ve learnt about computer programming. If you don’t know what program is, it is a set of instruction that has been executed by a computer. I haven’t been going deep through the specific types of computer programme yet, but just getting to know the basic general information. First, Cindy introduced us about Pseudocode. It’s mean not a specific language; kind of fake code. So down below, I will tell what have I learnt from Pseudocode:

  • Math Operators
  • Output print
  • Variable
  • If or Else statement

Last but not least, we learnt about a game called “Divide and Conquer”. The word of the day is “Efficiency” which mean easier. We were doing an activity that about conquered the problem by using the strategies. So this is the problem :

There is a marker in one of the sixteen people’ hand. One person has to guess who has the marker. That person has to find the efficient strategies for this problem or riddle. 

The strategies for this problem is to divided half and half until there is two answer. I find it very helpful and I enjoy learning this class!

This was the first time for me to learn about this and I’m excited to go through the lesson the next week. I’m proud that I’ve involved in technology. I hope that more girls involve in Technology!

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