Percentage is not just existed and does nothing…

Percentage is not just existed by itself, it’s existed with a purpose, a purpose of helping people with their remembering, understanding and their comparison. 

Percentage is a number with the symbol of %. It expressed as a fraction of 100. In this class, we also learn how to convert the fraction into the percentage. 

Here’s the strategies that convert a fraction to percentage:

numerator / denominator * 100 


As you can see the example above, if you take 16*100/100, it’ll be 16 as a result. 

Here’s another example: 

What’s the percentage of 2/3?


If you take 2/5*100, you’ll see 40%. One thing that you can do is that you can also do the multiplication first and division after that. For example 2*100/5, it’ll be the same answer. 

Besides percentage, we also learn several rules/strategies about geometry. These strategies help me solving the problem more efficiently and let’s see if they help you as well:


Photo from Google

This means angle 1 & 3 are equal and angle 2 & 4 are equal.


Photo from Google


Did you learn at least one things from these strategies? I hope so! Personally, I think sometimes we have to find the pattern of doing something, so that it helps more with the future works. Like a quote say, “Work Smarter Not Harder”. 

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