Acid & Base

Acid is an ionic compound that produces positive hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water. Acids have many important uses, especially in industry. For example, sulfuric acid is used to manufacture a variety of different products, including paper, paint, and detergent. In addition, acid taste sour. Warning: do not try to taste anything to know whether it’s acid or not because if the food has the acid of 0, it might bring you some harmful consequences.

A base is an ionic compound that produces negative hydroxide ions (OH-) when dissolved in water. On the other hand, a base is an ionic compound that tastes bitter and sometimes slippery. A common product that contains base is bleach. Base is slippery, bitter. Soap is also in a base. Soap, concrete and Deo are all base.

Does Having Uneducated Parents Affects My Life As Well As Others ?

Having an uneducated mother or father might give some children’s struggle. It also gives a hard time for children to learn more by themselves due to the facts that their parents couldn’t help them with homework or school work. It happens to me as well. My mom was raised in a poor family that my grandparents couldn’t afford the education that she had to finish studying at 1st grade. Will this affect my education as well?

Education is the most powerful weapon, therefore it obviously brings a few disadvantages of having one of the uneducated parents. The first struggling with this problem is helping with homework. When I came back from school and did my homework, there were some exercises that I couldn’t solve. There was no one that I could ask for help except my mom because my dad was at work. She tried her best to help me with my homework. She couldn’t help me since she didn’t get through all of these lessons. That’s why it gave me a hard time by learning everything by myself. But remember that the fact that she did not go to school does not mean she would not want her children to.

Interestingly, education also affects my family’s income. Again, some family might actually relate to this story as well. Learningenglish.voanews mentioned that “A young person from the highest income background is 77 percent more likely to attend one of these schools than someone from the lowest income background.” It proves that education is very powerful. Until one day our family almost starving by had no rice. However, their sweats were dropping while they don’t want me to face this situation in the future. I really appreciate and couldn’t think of anything that I could do for them back. That’s why it brings you to an English proverb called “Work smarter not harder.”

There’s always a solution to a problem and that’s the way we work smarter not harder. Regardless of gaining income from education, there’s also another way that my parents could work. People are born with unique talents and the lesson that I learned from my mother is that instead of reluctant and give up by having no education, she uses her talents instead.

Struggling by not entering school is a major problem, however believing that there’s always a solution to a problem is the right thought. Even though my mom didn’t get the right to education, she chooses the right way where she could fulfill her dream and her daughters’ life. I hope that the reader will understanding this struggling as well as thinking about this critically.

Percentage is not just existed and does nothing…

Percentage is not just existed by itself, it’s existed with a purpose, a purpose of helping people with their remembering, understanding and their comparison. 

Percentage is a number with the symbol of %. It expressed as a fraction of 100. In this class, we also learn how to convert the fraction into the percentage. 

Here’s the strategies that convert a fraction to percentage:

numerator / denominator * 100 


As you can see the example above, if you take 16*100/100, it’ll be 16 as a result. 

Here’s another example: 

What’s the percentage of 2/3?


If you take 2/5*100, you’ll see 40%. One thing that you can do is that you can also do the multiplication first and division after that. For example 2*100/5, it’ll be the same answer. 

Besides percentage, we also learn several rules/strategies about geometry. These strategies help me solving the problem more efficiently and let’s see if they help you as well:


Photo from Google

This means angle 1 & 3 are equal and angle 2 & 4 are equal.


Photo from Google


Did you learn at least one things from these strategies? I hope so! Personally, I think sometimes we have to find the pattern of doing something, so that it helps more with the future works. Like a quote say, “Work Smarter Not Harder”. 

Python Code

Some people might think that coding is not as important, but guess what? Coding is very important as it benefits our thinking skills. There are a lot of different type of coding, however, we only learn about python. Here’s are some  of the Python’s terms:


There are more to learn about Python. “There’s no limitation of learning.”


Converting Decimal into Fractions

To make it easy, all you have to do is take the numinator divided by denominator. If it’s go forever, you can stop whenever they wants you to stop. 



នាម គឺជាពាក្យសម្ដែងឲ្យមនុស្ស សត្វ រុក្ខជាតិ ទីកន្លែង និងស្ថានភាពបែបណាមួយ។  

នាម មានប្រាំបីប្រភេទគឺ:

  • សាធារណនាម ឬនាមសាធារណ៍
  • អសាធារណនាម ឬនាមអសាធារណ៍
  • នាមករណ៍ ឬករណនាម
  • នាមការណ៍ ឬការណ៍នាម
  • ជីវចល និង អជីវចល
  • អរូបី និងរូបី

សាធារណនាម ឬនាមសាធារណ៍ គឺជានាមសម្ដែងមិនចំពោះ ទូទៅ។


  1. លោកតា ជិះកង់ទៅផ្សារទិញបន្លែផ្លែឈើ ។
  2. សិស្សានុសិស្ស រត់លេងក្នុងសួន។
  3. គោ ស៊ីសៅ្មឯវាលស្រែ ។

អសាធារណនាម  ឬនាមអសាធារណ៍ ជានាមសម្ដែងឈ្មោះប្រាកដ ចំពោះ មិនទូទៅ។


  1. ណាវី បានជូននំចំណីទៅដល់តាសុខ ។
  2. តាសាននាំអាពាលទៅរកសត្វ ឯព្រៃភ្នំខ្សាច់ស ។

ការកនាម ឬនាមការក៍  ជាពាក្យសម្ដែងអ្នកធ្វើអំពើ ឬអ្នកមានសភាពលក្ខណ:បែបណាមួយ ។


អ្នកភ្ជួរ អ្នករាស់ អ្នករែកកណ្ដាប់ អ្នកស្ទូង បំពេញភារកិច្ចរៀងៗខ្លួនយ៉ាងសកម្ម ។ 

ករណនាម ឬនាមករណ៍ គឺជានាមសម្ដែងសភាព ឬសកម្មភាព។

  • នាមករណ៍កើតឡើងដោយវិធីបន្ថែមដើម និងបន្ថែមចុង
  • ពាក្យបន្ថែមដើម : ការ សេចក្ដី ភាព

ឧទាហរណ៍ : ការ + បង្រៀន (កិ) > ការបង្រៀន

         ភាព + ថ្លៃថ្នូរ (គុ) > ភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរ

         សេចក្ដី + ល្អ (គុ) > សេចក្តីល្អ

នាមរូបី គឺជានាមសម្រាប់សម្គាល់ឈ្មោះ មនុស្ស សត្វ វត្ថុ ទីកន្លែង ដែលយើងអាចដឹងបាន ដោយវិញាណទាំងប្រាំ ។

ឧទាហរណ៍:  កៅអី សាលារៀន កាបូប ជញ្ជាំង

នាមអរូបី គឺជានាមសម្គាល់ឈ្មោះអ្វី ដែលគ្មានរូបរាងច្បាស់លាស់ ហើយមនុស្សមិនអាចប៉ះ

ពាល់ឬមើលឃើញ តាមរយៈកាយវិញ្ញាណ ឬចក្ខុវិញ្ញាណបានឡើយ។

ឧទាហរណ៍: ភាពស្មោះត្រង់ ការយោគយល់…។ល។

នាមជីវចល គឺជានាមសម្រាប់សម្គាល់ឈ្មោះមួយដែលមានជីវិតពីធម្មជាតិដូចជានាមសម្រាប់

សម្គាល់ឈ្មោះមនុស្ស សត្វ និងរុក្ខជាតិ។

នាមអជីវចល គឺជានាមសម្រាប់សម្គាល់ឈ្មោះអ្វីមួយដែលមានជីវិតគ្មានវិញ្ញាណដូចជានាមសម្គាល់ឈ្មោះ វត្ថុ ទីកន្លែង ស្ថានភាព សកម្មភាព និងគំនិតអ្វីមួយ។


The Element of Life

Carbon is the element of life, but why? That’s right because everything made up of carbon! If you don’t know what carbon is, it is a chemical element with the atomic number of 6 and its symbol is “C”. It reacts with oxygen. It also produces carbon dioxide by burn in the air.

We did the experiment of black snake.


Put some 20g sugar and 5g sodium bicarbonate in a beaker and mix them thoroughly. Place a plastic tray on the table and cover it with aluminum foil. Place the aluminum tray in the middle of it and fill with sand. Place a mixture of sugar and baking soda over the sand and use the beaker to soak everything with alcohol and you’re ready to go. Fire it all up using the matches.


When you light it, it forms the ashes combination and forms this shape. According to my research, it says “The sodium bicarbonate produces carbon dioxide gas, while the sugar creates carbon containing ash” and that’s true!

A Dedication Poem:

“My life can end easily”

It’s just a lie saying that,

I’m Not gonna give up or commit suicide

I strongly push my mind to think about

Being stuck in this dark world

There’s no way that I can’t escape

Depression. sticks in my brain


Opportunities stop coming

I 100%  don’t believe that

People can’t cut my wings and they can’t control my freedom

That always works in my mind

The thing is that I won’t

Your Sharp Bullet

You know? Your words

(to) Stop myself from my passion

I believe I won’t be able

To Have a Positive Journey

I always think about

Giving up

I can’t move on

I strongly disagree that

The world is just!


I changed my mind

(Read it from bottom to up)

Kui Indigenous Community

On the dusty road toward Kui community that is located in Bongkern Phal village, Rom Tom commune, Rovieng district, Preah Vihear province, the communication skill was prepared, held a pen and a paper with a confident smile. The stars and moon came out, but we didn’t focus on them. We are eager to get the information for our marvelous product, which is my second book publishing. 

Every single one of us was very confident and wouldn’t give up even if the information doesn’t match what they wanted. There are several Kui people that we interviewed. Friendly and kind are what I would describe them. 

There are totally 10 themes in the book. My theme is Belief and Norm. Here’s the sneak peek of the book:


When someone feels not well, they use a metal shaft to determine whether they’re sick or not. They put a few pieces of rice on top and let it move. If the metal moves from left to right, it means that that person is healthy. If it moves front to back, it means that the person is sick. When someone is sick the community believe in spirit offering, prayer, and traditional herb.


This belief was believed a long time ago which nowadays there’s not a belief about this. Kui people wear a red bracelet to protect them from being cursed. Some of them got the red bracelet by going to a wedding as well. In addition, some of them also have a tattoo which they think will protect them. A long time ago, a lot of them would stick a metal nail into their bicep. They believed this could protect them from cuts and burns. Interestingly, they don’t cut their hair and sell it to others because they believe their hair will be used for cursing them.

On Febuary 5th, we went and verify the information with Stieng. To make this book accurate, we are making sure that Kui people agree with what we’re inserting in the book. We’re gathering in a group and discuss what should we add and what should we get rid off. 

As one of the members of this exploration, I’m hoping to get this book distributed and promoting Indigenous people culture to every belove reader!

I am from…

“I Am From” Poem Template

Adapted by Levi Romero

Inspired by “Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon


I am from a flour mill machine from  a selling table

I am from the sweet flour, productive work

I am from the emerald scallion

The vegetable and sauce whose long gone limbs I remember as if they were my own.

I’m from kind-hearted and a long road full of advices from parents and grandparents

I’m from Compact Discs and microphone and from television.

I’m from Keep Moving! and Don’t Compare yourself to Others! and Five Senses Khmer Song

I’m from protective mosquito net and helmet

I’m from Battambang and rural area and eggs and variety of Khmer soup

From an educated person who survived at Khmer Rouge regime, mouth zipped and has to do whatever they told. He has to be adaptive. He had passed an obstacle course from black zombies. The bird was released in January 1979.  

I’m from his freedom which is part of who I am today. He meets his belove and created me. I’m from every single sweat and blood and those becoming my hero in my heart forever that can never be dissolved in memory.

I’m from Chhem and Phorn family tree.


By Dyna  Chhem

Date Jan/15/2019